Outside/In: Executive Leadership Retreat

Colorado – Stay Tuned for Upcoming Dates

With Andrew Griffes & Erin Rose Ward

On this 3-night executive leadership retreat, we ride on horseback into the Rocky Mountain backcountry near Gunnison, CO. Our days incorporate facilitated group experiences, individual practices and trail rides on the horses. Here, you’ll cultivate vitality, grow your capacity to meet the challenges that shape you as a leader, and hone your vision for how you lead.

New in 2024: we are fortunate to have Erin Rose Ward joining as co-facilitator to bring deep embodiment and mindfulness experiences to the program. More info on her work at www.erinroseward.com

This retreat is for leaders in business and community who share a vision of creating deep connection and meaningful impact. It will be an intimate group of 6-8 individuals, and every aspect of the experience is crafted to build on the following themes of leadership:



You have a sense of what you are called to create with your life. You’ve developed it already, and you know it needs refinement to have the impact & fulfillment you want. During the intensive, you will clarify your purpose to where it energizes you every day, and is the central orientation point in your roles and choices. 


Journey away from the physical surroundings of your everyday life, and into a physical landscape reflective of your inner greatness. Amenities are basic, in order to deepen your connection with nature. Daily activities will include wilderness immersion to develop your sense of rootedness in the more-than-human world.


Daily activities and practices are curated to develop deep presence. Each day, we will engage in embodiment practices (breathwork, yoga, QiGong), horseback trail rides, facilitated group councils, and partner conversations. Expect your relationships and projects to reflect how much more “yourself” you are upon your return.


Participants for this trip are carefully selected to create a powerful and pivotal experience. The others you will come to know deeply in our time together share a commitment to giving and receiving insightful feedback in pursuit of profound growth. As a group, you will hone your skills as leaders to connect powerfully with your families, organizations, and communities.

The Adventure of Leadership

Program Details

Next Intensive: TBD

Program Cost: $3100


  • Fully curated leadership development program with daily facilitation and activities
  • Meals from Lunch on Day 1 to Breakfast on Day 4
  • Rustic camp lodging for 3 nights. Accommodations are in shared canvas hunting tents with camp-style bedding (cot, camp mattress, sleeping bag)
  • Horseback travel from trailhead outside Gunnison CO to camp, and daily trail ride excursions
  • Daily activities and facilitation

Not Included:

  • Airfare
  • Ground transportation to outfitter location near Gunnison

Reach Out to Apply or for More Information